Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An Open Letter to Mr. John Brennan

Mr. Brennan, President Obama’s chief advisor on matters terrorist, refuses to conjoin Jihadists with Islam. He supports President Barak Obama’s insistence that there is no connection between the events of 9-11 and Islam. In effect, they both insist there is no connection at all between terrorism and Islamic Shariah law.

Why is this? Certainly, Mr. Brennan, a former senior CIA official and Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, understands the fallacy of this argument. The 9-11 terrorists were jihadists who were carrying out the obligations of Shariah law. And Shariah law applies, in principle, to those of the Islamic faith. Ergo, there has to be a connection between the 9-11 terrorists and Islam.

I know you love your job, Mr. Brennan, but that’s no excuse to avoid the obvious: Practitioners of Shariah law are, perforce, terrorists because Shariah law requires all its adherents to oppose all societies, all systems, all legal structures that do not conform to the ultimate goal of Shariah. Mr. Brennan, one might draw a line between those Muslims who do not accept all the requirements of Shariah and those who do. The latter are our enemies, not the former. However, in the eyes of the latter, the former are equally enemies of Shariah along with the rest of us non-Muslims.

Sorry, Mr. Brennan, defining the term ‘jihad’ as a ‘moral good’ works only if you study Shariah law where ‘moral good’ equates to the total destruction of anything, everything and anyone that frustrates the creation of the Islamic Caliphate. Mr. Brennan, you are doing a tremendous disservice to U.S. policy makers, let alone to our U.S. military forces. You are blinding them to the realities of the threats to our society. You are shielding our true enemies from those sworn to destroy our true enemies. How can our protectors, both civil and military, accomplish their mission if they don’t know from whom they are to protect us. One of the first commandments taught our military is, “Know your enemy.” Mr. Brennan, why not strip away the veil of political correctness and let the American people know who the enemy is?

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At April 12, 2011 at 10:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great insights.

Brennan has lots of company in the White House now. It seems that his voice has been muted, and Hillary has asserted her power. Especially in Libya and Egypt.

Things are gonna get worse before they get better.

Thanks again for your insights.


At April 13, 2011 at 2:17 PM , Anonymous Marty said...

The connection of the terrorists to Islam is as tenuous as the connection of those Jews who observe the 613 commandments contained in the Old Testament to Judaism. Both groups are simply crazy, and it is unfair to condemn the larger group for the insane beliefs and conduct of the fanatics. Here are some of the 613 commandments:

33. Burn a city that has turned to idol worship.

38. Do not cease hating the idolator.

45. Do not be afraid of killing the false prophet.

596. Destroy the seven Canaanite nations.

598. Wipe out the descendants of Amalek.

Would you respect anyone who actually believes in them?

As ever, Marty


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