Friday, May 20, 2011

President Obama - A Champion to the Arab People

President Obama is going to ‘bestow upon the new Egyptian “government” something in excess of one billion of our taxpayer dollars. Does President Obama or anyone else in the executive branch have any idea as to who will benefit from this gift? All Egyptian political parties are in a state of flux at the moment, but one party in particular is well organized and, according to local pundits, is scheduled to win the election. And that winning political party that will receive President Obama’s one billion dollar gift is a terrorist organization.

Permit me to explain. The one billion dollar gift will go to a well-known terrorist organization, an implacable enemy of our country. This terrorist organization was responsible for the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat following his courageous visit to Israel to address the Israeli Parliament. This enemy fathered the Hamas organization that seeks the destruction of Israel. This enemy prays for the destruction of our country and its people.

This terrorist enemy is none other than the Muslim Brotherhood, the Ikhwan. The leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood shares something in common with the late unlamented leader of al Qaeda, Usama bin Ladin. The Brotherhood believes there is only one overriding rule of behavior, Sharia Law. Yes, the same Sharia law that condemns all democratic forms of government as anti-Islam. The same law that considers women no more than chattel, hardly human. Sharia permits a husband to beat his wife (or wives) at will. Sharia permits a father to cut his daughter’s throat for walking about without a family-related male escort. Sharia requires a rape victim to produce four witnesses to the act. If she cannot do this, she, in turn, is charged with prostitution or, if she is married, with adultery. The latter is punishable by stoning to death. This group, the Muslim Brotherhood, the group that champions this Sharia law, is slated to get over one billion of our dollars from President Obama.

We should have known of our president’s favoring of the Arab. We all saw his bow to the Saudi king. We all see his readiness to permit the engagement of our military in support of an anti-Qadhafi organization without any idea of what this anti-Qadhafi organization represented. We all see his readiness to support any anti-regime group in the Maghreb and the Middle East with one major exception, the corrupt, anti-democratic, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic government of Saudi Arabia.

Must have something to do with his Islamic training as a young boy.

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