Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Who Really Hates Us?

The controversy over the building of a mosque next to hallowed Ground Zero has stimulated significant debate. Even senior Democrats are running away from President Obama's pro-Mosque position. The many who support the contruction of the mosque support consturction of the mosque next to the site of the Twin Towers defend their position by stating that the enemy is not Islam, it's bin Laden and al Qaeda.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Bin Laden is only following the precepts of the Qur'an on this matter. According to the tenets of the book sacred to all of Islam, Infidels have only three choices, submit and pay the tax levied on non-believers, convert or be destroyed. It isn't bin Laden who is the enemy, it truly is the body of believers who take the Qur'an as sacred text that must be accepted word for word. Only when all non-Islamic lands are under sharia law (with all that it entails) can the Islamic peoples of the world rest. Until that time, the West, principally, the US, is the enemy and must be fought into submission to the Caliphate.

The events of 9-11 were the opening salvo of Islam's war against the U.S. Building a mosque next to the Twin Towers site will be seen by the Islamic world as testament to a victorious opening salvo.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Mosque at Twin Towers Site

Who was it who said that putting up a Mosque at this site is tantamount to building a Japanese Cultural Center at Pearl Harbor?
Oh, no, Saudi money has nothing to do with the financing of this Islamic Center. Let's look at the level of transparency that will be available to see just who is paying what. Our wonderful Saudi allies, those neat, loveable guys who brought you 9-11. Who will not permit any bibles, churches or synagogues in their country—who will not permit any Jews in the areas of Mecca and Medina. Have any of these apologists for the Islamic Center ever looked at a Saudi textbook provided to their schools in the U.S.? Where do you think our home-grown Jihadis get their ideas? They learn this hatred in the madrassas located in Anytown, USA. And these schools are funded largely by Saudi Arabia.